Professional PV Systems Design and Simulations

Customer-oriented planning of photovoltaic systems at affordable prices

Paul McLean

What are the advantages of a PV system?

Well, first and foremost you are doing something positive for the environment while also saving money on your monthly electricity bill. By producing electricity on your own roof and either consuming it directly and feeding the excess energy into the grid consumed by other users, you lower the amount of fossil fuels needed to meet electricity needs.

But the financial incentives are also attractive for investing in a PV system. By saving on your electricity bill and feeding the excess electricity into the public grid, you receive a feed-in tariff.

About me

My name is Paul McLean, I have been involved in photovoltaics for more than 12 years. I am fluent in English and German and also work in Spanish. I currently live in Bogotá, Colombia where I co-founded the startup Solsta SAS All services will be invoiced by Solsta SAS .

Project Icon

Past projects

Brigitte Schneider-Gmelch​

Satisfied customers

“We met Paul McLean at the Intersolar in Munich and were very surprised when he offered to plan our large PV system as soon as he returned to Colombia. My husband and I were very positively surprised at how well the data transfer back and forth to Colombia worked and how quickly, easily and perfectly our PV system overview was planned, even with 20 electric cars. Everyone we showed the design to loved it.”

Brigitte Schneider-Gmelch 

Are you interested in a PV system, would you like to do something for the environment and at the same time lower your electricity bill?

Would you like to save time and money when planning and simulating high-quality PV systems?

Past projects

I have been working in the photovoltaic industry since 2010. In the past I have been able to gain experience in numerous areas of the photovoltaic industry, including the planning and simulation of photovoltaic systems, project management (industry and trade), sales of components and software, and the planning of turnkey photovoltaic systems.

Here are some examples that I have already planned and simulated that demonstrate my experience and skills.

Medium-sized PV system for an apartment complex

Place: Munich, Germay

Year: 2021

Size: 264,8 kWp

Mittelgroße PV-anlage für ein Wohnungskomplex bei München, Deutschland

Medium-sized commercial PV systems

Place. Guaviare, Colombia

Year: 2020

Size: 151,88 kWp